
Wave of violence along Mass & Cass corridor alarms community leaders

BOSTON — Community leaders are demanding action be taken following a wave of violence along the Mass and Cass corridor. Sources tell Boston 25 News there have been at least 10 stabbings, two murders and a shooting in the last three and a half weeks.

The city has temporarily closed the comfort station on Atkinson Street due to the recent violent activity. Neighbors said hundreds of people continue to pour into the area daily from across the state.

Many have noticed a pattern of increasingly aggressive behavior from some of those congregated at Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard.

“It is a powder keg waiting to happen down there. The violence is going to spill over and something major is going to happen,” said Sue Sullivan, executive director of the Newmarket Business Association. “I have business owners who are afraid to walk to their car right now.”

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Sullivan and other leaders plan to speak out in the area on Monday morning.

“I can tell you, we have never had 10 stabbings in a year, never mind in a three and a half week period of time,” Sullivan said. “We’ve got to disrupt their activity.”

The South End-Roxbury Community Partnership also plans to protest in the community every week for the foreseeable future, beginning this Wednesday night.

A City of Boston spokesperson sent the following statement to Boston 25 News:

“When it comes to the Mass and Cass area, public safety continues to be a top priority. The City decided to temporarily close the comfort station outside of the 112 Southampton Street Shelter after a recent uptick in violence. During the two week shutdown, we are reassessing the operations of the comfort station and examining ways to implement additional safety measures in and around the comfort station to ensure the safety of all staff, clients, residents and businesses in the area.”

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