
Mass. teacher admits to lying about military service, Purple Heart awards

TAUNTON, Mass. – A Taunton teacher whose students thought he was a decorated war hero has been fired after it was discovered he was not telling the truth.

Boston 25 News has learned that when 36-year-old Andrew Gaboury was hired to teach at Coyle Cassidy High School in Taunton four years ago he claimed to be a veteran with two Purple Hearts.

It was a big deal at the school and he was featured in the student newspaper in an article headlined "Gaboury goes from military to history classroom."

"I'm so pleased to have a man like Mr. Gaboury to be on our staff. He had a lot of experiences and was well educated. He even served for our country's military," Principal Kathleen St. Laurent said in that article.

However, 25 Investigates has learned that Gaboury never served. Reporter Ted Daniel contacted the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in St. Louis by phone and was told no record for him could be found.

A more thorough search was initiated, but while awaiting the results Gaboury came clean in an email.

"I made up time in the Army. Over the intervening years I added details as people asked. I am deeply sorrowful for this and did not see a way out," he wrote.

School officials sent Boston 25 News the following statement:

"Coyle and Cassidy High School Administration today (Thursday, March 01, 2018) learned that faculty member Andrew Gaboury misrepresented his service in the United States Military on his application for employment, and as a result his employment was terminated, effective immediately."


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