
Politco: Warren 2020 waiting on 'green light'

WASHINGTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren, often mentioned in conversations about potential presidential candidates, has a team in place to make a run, according to a new report from Politico.

The politics website says she has a team built, funding in place and her eyes on a base camp.

Her aides have been shopping around Boston for a place to use as her headquarters, according to the report.

Politico's Natasha Korecki writes:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has the core of her 2020 team in place if she runs for president. She has the seed money — there’s $12.5 million ready to go, left over from her recent Senate run — and a massive email list she’s amassed over years, boosted by a $3.3 million investment in digital infrastructure and advertising in the last election alone. Her aides have been quietly shopping for presidential campaign headquarters space in the Boston area in recent weeks, according to a source with knowledge of the move.

All that’s left is for her to give the green light.

MORE: Warren not running for president, criticizes 'Pocahontas' nickname

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