
Seekonk man charged with extorting explicit pictures from teen girl

SEEKONK, Mass. — A Seekonk man is facing federal charges alleging he threatened to send explicit photos of a teenage girl to her family and friends if she didn't do what he wanted.

WPRI-TV reports 48-year-old David Ackell's trial is set to begin this week in New Hampshire, where the victim lives. Ackell was indicted under the federal cyberstalking statute last year.

Court documents say Ackell met the then-16-year-old on social media and coerced her into sending him explicit photos and engaging in chats that were "sexual in nature."

Prosecutors say Ackell threatened to send the pictures to the girl's Instagram friends after she said she wanted to stop. They say the communication went on for two years before her father found out.

Ackell's attorney didn't respond to a request for comment.

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