
Hundreds stranded at Logan after international flight forced to land after take-off

BOSTON — Hundreds of passengers are currently stranded at Logan Airport after their international flight was forced to land just moments after takeoff Thursday night.

Passengers on Emirates flight 238 to Dubai were left stranded for over 12 hours without luggage or a plan after the plane had to make an emergency landing shortly after takeoff.

Many reported hearing explosions just moments after take off.

"They got an alarm and they just stopped the flight," said one passenger. "The left engine got spark and there was a fire."

Passengers told Boston 25 News they heard the sounds and just seconds later the plane circled around and landed right back on the runway.

While one couple says they're happy they're safe, they have been stuck in the airport all night with no rescheduled flight, no luggage and no answers.

"She's six and a half months pregnant and we are having the baby shower in India on Sunday morning so that’s why we are catching the flight," said another passenger.

They hope to be booked onto a flight to India through Dubai midnight Friday.

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According to the FAA, the aircraft did report a loud sound from the engine during departure and aborted the take-off.

MassPort says the aircraft did not experience a fire, but did cancel due to a mechanical issue. Hundreds of international customers were left without a plan, hoping they can find a way to get across the world in time to meet their appointments.

"My father died, my father in law," said one passenger. "They will keep the body until we get there."

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