
Freetown firefighter fired after apparent racist comments

FREETOWN, Mass. — A firefighter was fired after posting apparent racist remarks on Facebook.

"At first I was shocked and I was saddened by them. I didn't expect him to do it. Like I says, he was one of our more active call guys. I was kind of almost hurt," said Freetown Fire Chief Gay Silva.

Five year part-time firefighter Kyle Grenier took to social media two weeks ago after a house party on Leonard Avenue in Assonet grew to an estimated 1,000 people and generated a lot of comments from locals.

"I can see the next fire call will be this house on fire, and  I'll make sure I  can't find the hydrant lol," and "Just make sure no water so no more house parties with black Boston people," said Grenier.

The house where the party was held told FOX25 they were celebrating the homecoming of a son who served his second tour in Iraq. They did not want to go on camera and say they shut the party down themselves when it seemed uncontrollable.

The post created  a stir in the community and veteran John Gonsalves was appalled.

"He working under the same flag and then to sit there and say well  I'm not going to help 'um? That's just way out of line," said Gonsalves.

Chief Silva said while the racist remarks were completely out of line, it wasn't the worst thing that Grenier did in this incident.

"That basically was the hook. His mentality in the whole situation. I think he had to go," said Silva.

Grenier has expressed remorse for the comments. When FOX25 went to his home Friday, there was no answer.

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