
Aunt begged shark attack victim not to go to Cape Cod

REVERE, Mass. — The aunt of the Massachusetts man killed by a shark over the weekend says she told her nephew to stay away from Cape Cod waters but he simply laughed off her concerns.

Marisa Medici told a reporter every time she asked Arthur Medici not to go to Cape Cod he said "The sharks don't bite me. I'm Superman."

He died at the hospital after getting bitten Saturday while boogie boarding off Newcomb Hollow Beach in Wellfleet. The 26-year-old Revere man was the state's first shark attack fatality since 1936.

He was with his future brother-in-law when he was bitten on the legs about 30 yards offshore. His femoral arteries were severed.

The aunt says Arthur Medici was "handsome outside, inside, joyful," and the house was always full of his laughter.

MORE: 26-year-old Revere man dies after shark attack off Cape Cod

Sarah Medici Coutinho, Medici's cousin, remembered her relative on Monday, saying he was a Brazilian native studying engineering with a fun-loving spirit.

"His laughter filled up a room," Medici Coutinho said. "He was a great person to be around, he was so selfless. He was just a really great person to remember."

She said her cousin knew the possible issues his aquatic hobby came with, but didn't let them stop him from doing what he loved.

"He loved to surf, we knew it was dangerous," Medici Coutinho said. "We knew there were sharks around the area. We would ask him not to go, my mom would ask him specifically not to go sometimes, but he loved to surf. He passed doing what he loved, and he was happy surfing."

A GoFundMe was set up to help with funeral costs, and for returning Medici's body back to Brazil.

"So many people care," Medici Coutinho said. "Even people he didn't know. We really appreciate the love and support in such a difficult time."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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