
Attack in Southie park leaves man in ICU more than a week later

BOSTON — Boston police are investigating a brutal attack in a popular park that has left a South Boston man in the intensive care unit.

Family says that man was beaten by multiple suspects Tuesday night as he walked through Moakley Park with a friend.

Michael Flaherty is finally conscious and breathing on his own after the attack left him in a coma last week.

"My brother is never going to be the same, and it's horrible, it's horrible," said Brian Flaherty. 
When he first saw his older brother unconscious in a hospital bed, his heart broke.

"I can't even describe it, seeing tubes coming out of him -- I couldn't do it," Brian said. 
Michael has been fighting for life at Tufts Medical Center since Tuesday, when police say he was attacked while walking through Moakley Park in South Boston.

Brian says his brother and a friend had just parted ways when the friend heard screams.

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“He heard an argument and he came running back through the park and these guys were just stomping my brother,” Brian said.

He said the friend scared off the assailants, who ran toward a nearby housing project. Brian said that intervention likely saved Michael's life.

“The doctor said that there was too many fractures in his face to count … no reason for somebody to beat somebody that bad,” he said.

Brian says although Michael is now conscious, his prognosis is still unclear.

While detectives search for the suspects and their motive, Brian questions the safety of the popular park.

“Who's to say they're not going to do it to somebody else? Somebody less strong that couldn't survive this,” Brian said.

Now, he's pleading for someone to come forward with the information that could put his brother's attackers in handcuffs.

"If you're sitting at home and you're laughing about this, I hope you get caught because then I'm going to be the first one in that courtroom, laughing at you when you get sentenced," said Brian. 
Anyone with information should call police.

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