
TIMELINE: The case of missing 5-year-old boy Jeremiah Oliver

Timeline of events in the case of missing 5-year-old Fitchburg boy Jeremiah Oliver.

April 18: Body found off Rt. 190 consistent in height, weight of Jeremiah Oliver.

March 27, 2014:  Alberto Sierra ordered held on $250,000 bail in Worcester Superior Court.

March 21, 2014:
Criminal indictments were handed up by a Worcester County Grand Jury against Elsa Oliver and Alberto Sierra.

March 17, 2014: 
Three more people were arraigned in relation to the disappearance of Jeremiah Oliver. Christian Sierra, 21, Cailey Thibault, 23,  and Ashley M. Cormier, 24, all of Fitchburg, are charged under the intimidation of a witness statute.

Jan. 24, 2014 - Elsa Oliver, the mother of Jeremiah Oliver, is found competent to stand trial on charges including reckless endangerment of a child.

Jan. 9 2014 – Governor Deval Patrick announces that the state will conduct an independent investigation of DCF. The state will pay outside group the Child Welfare League of America an estimated $40,00 to conduct the months-long review.

Jan. 2, 2014 – The Worcester County DA's office announces that police and firefighters were digging near the Nashua River in Fitchburg in search of the body of 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver, but they did not find him.

Jan. 2, 2014
– Despite being arrested on numerous drug charges, Jeremiah Oliver's father, Jose Oliver, was released on bond and said that he will still seek custody of his two children currently placed in foster care.

Dec. 31, 2013 – A third DCF worker, an area program manager, is fired in connection to missing 5-year-old Jeremiah Oliver. At a press conference, Olga Roche, the commissioner of the Department of Children and Families, says that "the failure and misconduct of the staff in this case contributed to the tragedy."

Dec. 30, 2013 – Jeremiah Oliver's father, Jose, who lives in Connecticut and had not seen his children in several years, is arrested in New Britain, Conn. on felony drug charges. Police say that the 41-year-old Oliver tried to sell 30 baggies of heroin to undercover police.

Dec. 30, 2013 – It's revealed that the social worker fired for not properly following up with the Oliver family's case received a raise just before Jeremiah is reported missing. On Nov. 27, in addition to the raise, the worker received a "merit-based" promotion.

Dec. 24, 2013 – In a court hearing, a judge says Elsa Oliver could be released on $100,000 bail if she wears a monitoring bracelet, resolves a contempt case in juvenile court which demanded that she produce her son Jeremiah, and deals with mental health issues.

Dec. 24, 2013 – Police are speaking to local tattoo artists, looking to find out any information about a tattoo Elsa Oliver, Jeremiah's mother, had done recently. The tattoo has the date "September 25 2013" written next to a butterfly. Jeremiah was last reported seen alive by a relative 11 days before that date, on Sept. 14.

Dec. 17, 2013 – A social worker and a supervisor at the Mass. Department of Children and Families are fired in connection with the case of missing boy Jeremiah Oliver. DCF had been involved with the Oliver family since Sept. 2011.

The social worker assigned to Jeremiah's family failed to make numerous monthly visits, last visiting the family in May. The manager knew the social worker was not making the scheduled visits, but failed to do anything about it.

Dec. 17, 2013 – Elsa Oliver is arraigned in Fitchburg District Court, and held without bail, pending further mental evaluation.

Dec. 16, 2013 – The Worcester County DA's office arrests Jeremiah's mother, 28-year-old Elsa Oliver, and her boyfriend, 22-year old Alberto Sierra. "We are treating this as a potential homicide," Worcester County District Attorney Joseph Early said.

Sierra is arraigned in Fitchburg District Court, and held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing.

Oliver is charged with two counts of reckless endangerment of a child, and two counts of accessory after the fact of a felony. Sierra is charged with two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon (knife) and two counts of assault and battery on a child causing bodily injury.

Dec. 13, 2013
– The Worcester County District Attorney's office is alerted about a possible missing Fitchburg boy. Jeremiah Oliver, of 276 Kimball St., was last seen by relatives on Sept. 14.

Authorities found out that the boy was missing when his 7-year-old sister told school officials that her mother's boyfriend was abusing the children, and that she had not seen her brother for weeks.

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