
Post-storm flooding: Dealing with insurance claims after Thursday's storm

As many focus on plowing and shoveling after Thursday's storm, many others are navigating how to deal with flooding.

Lots of roads were turned into rivers during that storm, cars were flooded out, and basements are now filled with water.

RELATED: Major flooding reported along Massachusetts coast

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency has some advice for homeowners, renters, and drivers on how to deal with the flooding.

  • Notifying your insurance is the most important step, and should be the first step.
  • While waiting, MEMA advises preventing further damage if possible.
  • Take pictures and videos to document the damage.
  • As you file a claim, keep notes on the discussion with your insurance agent.
  • Consider the pros and cons of filing a small claim. Insurance companies look at your claims history when deciding how much to charge for insurance and policy renewals, so filing small claims could impact future premiums.

If you're having issues with your insurance company, contact the Attorney General's office. Their Insurance and Financial Series Hotline can be reached at 1-888-830-6277.

More information about how to deal with insurance can be found on MEMA's website.

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