
Sherborn police officer walking across Massachusetts to raise awareness for first responder suicide

Sherborn Police Officer Doug Kingsley likes to walk, but he’s about to do something he’s never done before.

He’s planning to walk 219 miles, the entire length of Massachusetts, from the New York border to Chatham Light, all to raise awareness of police and first responder suicide prevention.

At a pace of 20 miles a day, Doug is giving himself up to ten days.

“I hope you have comfortable shoes,” Boston 25′s Bob Ward said to Kingsley.

“I’m breaking them in!” he laughed

Doug has carefully planned his route.

He will start walking on October 12th and he is inviting police to join him along the way.

Many have already indicated Doug will not walk alone.

All of his training was chronicled on his Instagram account, MACopWalk219.

Doug was drawn to the issue of police suicide because it recently claimed the life of a close friend at his police academy.

He wants police and first responders to put their mental health, first.

“It’s definitely something that is easily dismissed. People don’t like to think about it, don’t like to talk about it. But it’s present. It’s there,” Doug Kingsley said.

Doug is raising money for First Health, and organization dedicated to helping first responders.

“We track first responder suicides that show this is truly an epidemic. This is truly a problem that needs to be addressed,” said Steven Hough of First Health.

Hough tells Ward, Doug’s walk will help in so many ways.

“What we try to do is provide those tools and resources that say, ‘Hey look: you’re not alone. This is normal, this is how you can combat it,’” Hough said.

In a few weeks, Doug’s journey will begin…

Each step shining a light on an issue, that’s been hidden for too long.

When Doug finishes his walk in Chatham sometime around October 25th, he knows it will be a special moment.

“What do you think its going to be like when you get there?” Warcd asked.

“It’s going to be a breath of fresh air. I’m sure it’s going to be emotional,” Doug Kingsley said.

To learn more about Doug’s walk go to: Home | Copwalkma

If you’d like to make a donation, you can do so at the GoFundMe.

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