
Group vandalizing pro-Trump home only galvanizing Trump supporters

NORTH READING, Mass. — Police are asking for the public’s help in identifying a group who went on a tear in North Reading removing pro-Donald Trump posters from a home’s front porch.

"They wanted to get in and out as quick as possible if you time it is about 16 seconds," said homeowner Robert Gallo.

These well-planned acts of vandalism are a clear sign of the times.

“No one wants to meet in the middle if you’re for Trump at all, you’re the enemy and it goes both ways,” Gallo said.

Gallo says this is the third time vandals struck his pro-Trump signage. In April they spray-painted them and in June they ripped them up.

“I’m not surprised you put the Trump sign for your house,” Gallo said. “You can expect people are not going to like it.”

Gallo says he got the surveillance cameras after the second time vandal struck. He says they may not have made it that second time if he remembered to turn on his motion detectors that night.

“After 35, 40 days of doing every night, there was one night that I forgot to put it on before bed,” Gallo said. “The very first night I forgot.”

The military vet wasn’t the only one taking video. According to his surveillance, you can see the accomplices in the car also filming, Gallo hopes someone sees their picture or his and turns them in before they strike again.

“I think they’ll come back, I do, they came three times already,” Gallo said. “If it’s the same person.”

But each time they come back, he says they’ll have an even bigger target just to annoy them.

“I do have to admit that’s the goal,” Gallo said after ordering three more signs. “Now I have a Trump and Melania stand up which will be a little extra each time just to let them know I’m not gonna take the signs down.”

Despite trying to cause harm, these vandals are only galvanizing local supporters who have already donated hundreds of dollars to Gallo to replace anything damaged.

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