
Central Square Florist offering free flowers to brighten up a dreary day of social distancing

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — On a gloomy Thursday as the world waits indoors for a global pandemic to subside, one Cambridge business was out doing what it can to brighten its community.

Central Square Florist has an abundance of flowers. It usually does, but their shop is especially filled as weddings, parties and even funerals have been cancelled en masse in an effort to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

“A lot of extra flowers due to just the whole outbreak of coronavirus, people not going to work, people canceling their events, people canceling their weddings. Just all of the things that are happening right now,” Manager Jackie Levine explained. “So we have extra and we need something to do with them.”

So the family-owned business decided to do what it can to help out other businesses struggling under the smothering stillness across the city.

“So we’ve been everywhere this morning. Some went down to the Cambridge senior center where Food For Free is giving out food,” Levine said. "We’re also trying to bring them to local restaurants and shops that are open to support those businesses so we can promote them and say, ‘hey, there’s free flowers at Life Alive. There’s free flowers at Café Luna.’ And hopefully some people will go get some lunch at those places and get some flowers.”

While deliveries are bustling for those stuck indoors and wanting a burst of color, manager Jackie Levine said they’ve had no walk-ins and are stuck with canceled orders for events.

“People are definitely ordering flowers,” Levine said. “Lots of messages I see saying, ‘so sorry your wedding is canceled’ or ‘so sorry you can’t take this trip now’ … or people are saying, ‘just flowers to enjoy while you’re stuck at home.'”

So she’s dropping off buckets of flowers at small businesses across the city, offering them as free gifts for patrons of the business.

“It feels awesome to give away flowers, make people’s days and just to help these businesses. They’ve been so happy as we’re coming in," she said. "Flowers bring joy. They bring happiness. They also put smiles on people’s faces and that’s something that people really, really need right now.”

If you’re feeling lonely and isolated while social distancing, Central Square florist is open for business and offering flower deliveries. But you can also follow them on Instagram or Twitter to find out all the places they’re providing free flowers for.

They’re also offering to donate some flowers to businesses who might need to brighten up someone’s day, like senior centers or nursing homes.

You can support Central Square Florist here.


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