
Brandeis joins growing list of universities with Plan B vending machines

WALTHAM, Mass. – Soda, chips and candy are some of the items already available from vending machines at Brandeis University, but soon Plan B will be added to that list.

The addition was pursued by student organization Brandeis Pro-Choice and is being funded by a $5,000 grant from Planned Parenthood.

“We heard of other schools that had similar type of vending machines that vend plan b and we realize there's just really a gap to access that service here,” organization president Susannah Miller said.

The vending machine will allow students to discreetly access emergency contraception 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Miller told Boston 25 News it’s most important for victims of sexual assault.

“After somebody has been sexually assaulted, for them have to find their way to a Walgreens over a mile away and pay $50 out of pocket is unreasonable,” she said.

Plan B is already available at the student health center, but only during regular business hours.

“It’s not open after 5 p.m. and it’s not open on the weekend which, especially the weekend, is a big time when many people are needing Plan B,” events director for Brandeis Pro-Choice Abigail Belyea said.

Brandies is following in the footsteps of several other universities across the country where Plan B vending machines have been installed Including Stanford in California and Shippensburg in Pennsylvania

So far at Brandeis, students say there’s been no resistance

“We have a lot of resources on campus, access to different contraceptives. I don't think this one should be any different,” student Sage Rosenthal said.


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