
Boston Latin School violated civil rights act, US Attorney says

BOSTON — The Boston Latin School mishandled a review of allegations of racist comments, according to a review from the U.S. Department of Justice.

A male student allegedly used a racial slur against a black female student and "threatened to lynch her with an electrical cord" and the investigation into the allegation was mishandled, the Department of Justice says.

A release states the school's lack of proper action on the allegation constitutes a violation of the civil rights act (Title IV).

Boston Latin School is one of the most prestigious public high schools in the nation.  Its rich history and well-deserved reputation for academic excellence make it vital that the school provide a supportive learning environment where students of all races can learn without fear of harassment or discrimination,” said U. S. Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz.  “All students should feel welcome and safe at BLS regardless of their racial background.  Today’s resolution will help ensure that Boston Latin responds thoroughly and appropriately to complaints of race-based discrimination and provides a dynamic and racially and ethnically sensitive learning space for the extraordinary students who pass through its doors.

Department of Justice investigators spoke to 200 people, including BLS administrators, faculty, parents, students and alumni. They also spoke with BPS central office employees and after reviewing documents pertaining to alleged incidents, made the conclusion a violation had occurred.

Boston Public Schools has agreed to adopt a new strategy to address and prevent racial harassment at Boston Latin School in the future.

The agreement includes:

  • Develop mandatory annual trainings for students, faculty and staff at BLS covering racial harassment, retaliatory conduct, reporting procedures and policies, and cultural competence;
  • Institute a system of restorative justice at BLS;
  • Establish a Diversity/Non-Discrimination Officer at BLS responsible for monitoring complaints of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation; and
  • Conduct an annual school-wide survey of the racial climate at BLS.

The former headmaster of Boston Latin School released a statement Monday evening saying the report "could not be further from the reality of life at the school I know and love."

"It is my belief that our efforts here have been unfairly judged, by various adults with various agendas, for reasons that go well beyond the walls of BLS," said Dr. Lynne Mooney Teta.

Her lawyer said that outsiders are using BLS "as a prop for their political agenda."