BOSTON — The group against a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana says that most adults can't tell the difference between a regular candy and a marijuana edible.
Their point is that if adults can't, children certainly won't be able to. The Campaign for a Safe and Healthy Massachusetts said they want voters to know what the initiative to legalize marijuana really means, but the sponsors said they are using scare tactics.
From packaging, to serving size, to potency, they say edibles are too dangerous for kids, pets, and even some adults.
“The marijuana industry's growth pattern is predicated upon getting that next generation of people hooked in,” State Rep. Hannah Kane (R-Shrewsbury) said.
The group sponsoring the question says people against legalization are promoting fear.
Supporters also say the marijuana regulators will have the ability to regulate what restrictions are on edibles.
“Because they're saying that these things are in Colorado does not mean those things are going to be in Massachusetts,” Jim Borghesani from Campaign to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol said.
“I don't think that the regulators who will be on the Cannabis Control Commission appointed by the treasurer are going to show a preference to either side frankly.”
Anti-pot advocates say that may not actually be the case.
“The way the ballot initiative is written right now is there's absolutely no part of it which regulates packaging, there's no potency limit,” Kane said.
Cox Media Group