
What does this photo mean, Tom Brady?

BOSTON — All of Patriots nation were trying to make sense of a cryptic photograph tweeted out by Tom Brady on Thursday night.

The black-and-white photograph shows Brady’s silhouette in a tunnel at a stadium. It’s unclear whether he is walking toward the field or out of the stadium.

Brady’s shadow can be seen on the floor amid puddles on the concrete.

That photograph caused mass confusion on the streets of Boston Thursday night.

Was it taken here at Gillette Stadium, or not?

Everyone had a take on what the post means.

Fans are bewildered, and most are worried or nervous.

But not everyone.

“It looks to me like he’s dark and gloomy and ready to go. That’s the way it appears," said Steve Gordon.

Gordon is “OK” with Brady leaving.

“He’s overrated. The Patriots are an exceptional team, always have been, very well-coached. Over the years, I think he’s gotten too much credit and the rest of the folks have not gotten enough,” Gordon said.

Julie Peterson said: “I would hope he’s staying” adding that Brady’s post is “sending mixed messages.”

Tyler Morin said the photograph was upsetting.

“I mean it looks like he’s walking out the door. You know he’s saying goodbye… Oh man!” Morin said. “Yeah I am (upset)… I mean, you knew it was coming. But it seems like a pretty clear indication of what’s going on.”

Liz Raymond questioned the photograph, too.

“He’s walking away? Is he walking away?” she said. “No, he’s looking and exploring and soaking it all in.”

It’s far from a done deal, but a post on Instagram Wednesday morning seems to indicate Tom Brady wants to return to the Patriots next season.

After a devastating end to the season, including a pick six on Brady’s final throw, the Patriots bowed out of the playoffs in the unfamiliar wild card round over the weekend.

There has been an incredible amount of speculation about what Brady’s next move will be -- whether it’s retirement, a move to a new team, or simply to ‘keep going’ -- but no one has said anything for certain about the GOAT’s plans.

But the Instagram post thanked Patriots fans and the entire Kraft organization at Gillette Stadium saying, “you dont always win. You can, however, learn from that failure, pick yourself up with great enthusiasm, and place yourself in the arena again. And that’s right where you will find me. Because I know I still have more to prove.”