
Walpole Police searching for 2 suspects in home break-in

WALPOLE, Mass. - Walpole Police are searching for two teens who allegedly broke into a house on Sunday afternoon.

The brazen crime in broad daylight, according to police, was caught on the victim's home surveillance system.

Just before 4 p.m., while many were still sitting at the Easter lunch table, a homeowner on Centre Way got an alert on his phone saying someone was breaking into his house.

"They pried open the back sliding glass door and they went upstairs, they were in the house for a very short period of time," said Sergeant Jim O'Connell.

While surveillance cameras caught one of the suspects in the act and were able to give police a very clear picture of who to look for, an error in the alarm system delayed police response to the crime.

Neighbors told Boston 25 News they saw the two suspects running from the house and jump into a getaway car.

"This is typically a very safe town, very safe neighborhood, so it's surprising," said Kathryn Miller, a neighbor.

When police showed up to the scene, they canvassed the area with the help of a K-9 team, but lost the track.

Investigators confirmed that a failure in the alarm system didn't alert authorities of the crime until several minutes after the homeowner was notified.

"They could have still got away because there was a delay in the alarm, but we might have had a hard start if we were notified immediately," said Sergeant O'Connell.

Officials say that, while the teens were able to get away, they didn't steal any valuables.

Walpole Police are asking anyone with any information or who can recognize the man in the surveillance picture to contact them immediately.

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