
Rodriguez struggles in Sox 6th straight loss

Boston, Mass -- It's now apparent Red Sox phenom pitcher Eduardo Rodriguez is actually human as he gives up nine earned runs in his first loss of the season. Rodriguez tagged for eight hits with only one strike out in 4.2 innings, dropping his record to (2-1).

"I just tried to make good pitches. They just made lots of base hits and bloopers, said a sad Rodriguez after the game.

Not only was the Sox pitching shaky this afternoon, but the fielding was bad enough to make a little league team cringe. The Sox recorded just one recorded, only because the scorekeeper was generous.

David Ortiz continued his hot streak hitting another homerun (9) in the fifth inning, but it wasn't nearly enough. At the plate, the Red Sox were (3-9) with runners in scoring position, leaving eight runners on base.

The Red Sox losing streak is now at 6-straight games. Boston begins a 4-game home-and-home series versus Atlanta, starting at Fenway Monday.

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