
Baby whale seen in the water near Marina Bay in Quincy

QUINCY, Mass. — A baby whale was spotted Monday morning in Quincy by a couple leaving Marina Bay in the city. Wildlife experts say it’s something we don't oftentimes see in this area.

The beautiful moment captured on Pamela Carroll’s cell phone. The baby whale was spotted near Deer Island.

"We thought he was playing a game," she said. "Then he did a huge jump and got his tail, and video of him."

Carroll says she and her husband, Pat, purchased a boat five years ago just so they could see whales.

"It's not common," said Tony LaCasse, a spokesperson with the New England Aquarium. "The thing to keep in mind is 20 miles east is one of their primary feeding grounds in America."

LaCasse shared photos of the baby whale with Boston 25 News.

"We have a calf that was born last year, it would've been weaned by its mother over the winter," LaCasse said. "Now it’s on its own. It’s been on the mouth of Boston, Winthrop and Revere."

He or she is about 30 to 33 feet long and will hang out in the area as long as there is food.

"When you're a young animal and you're learning how to hunt, if you come across a berry patch that’s really thick, you aren’t leaving until you're really full."

So, if you happen to see the baby whale hanging out in the water, LaCasse says slow down – it's kind of a school zone at that point.

"Whales are like people," LaCasse said. "Sometimes, if you pursue them too hard, they will move away. Just relax and they will sort of hang out."

The mother whale is called whirly gig, and the baby whale hasn't been named yet because it's too young. The baby was born last winter and was 15 to 20 feet long.