
MBTA bus driver punched '10 to 12 times' in the face by passenger, TPD says

BOSTON — An MBTA Silver Line bus driver was repeatedly punched in the face by a passenger, transit police said on Monday.

The alleged incident happened at around 10:20 p.m. on Aug. 9 at the Tufts Medical Center stop.

According to police, the MBTA bus driver and victim said a passenger on the bus became upset when he requested a stop but the driver did not stop the bus.

The driver said he tried explaining to the passenger that he could not stop the bus where the man wanted him to, instead having to follow the assigned stops on his route.

At that point, the victim and witnesses told police the man punched the driver about 10 to 12 times in the face.

Police found the passenger, 43-year-old Garcia Lewis, of Mattapan, still sitting on the back of the bus, and took him into custody.

The Silver Line bus driver was taken to a local hospital for treatment of facial injuries.

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