
SPCAI helps US Marine bring adopted dog back to US from Iraq

BOSTON — A marine and the dog he rescued from Iraq had a happy reunion Friday night at Logan Airport.

Christopher Smith had volunteered to help Kurdish forces in the fight against ISIS when he noticed a group of abandoned dogs.

“I went and fed them once or twice a day and she started following me. She couldn’t’ really walk very well at first but she started to learn,” he said.

From the point on Smith and the dog now named Dushka were best friends.

According to Smith it is common for service members to adopt the dogs they find on the streets, however they often need to leave them behind when their tour of duty ends.

In this case however, Smith was able to work with the SPCA International to bring Dushka back home with him.

“He found her when she was just a couple days old, didn’t have her eyes open yet. He contacted us and we said ‘yeah, we’ve got to get this dog home, absolutely,” Meredith Ayan from the SPCAI said.

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