Expand On That: Boston 25 Sports Podcast Ep. 26 - The Boston Globe's Michael Vega

Howard Eisley, Bill Curley, Malcolm Huckaby and Gerrod Abram

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Long-time sports writer Michael Vega from The Boston Globe joined Tom Leyden to talk about the impressive run put together by the 1994 Boston College Basketball team.

>>MORE: Take That, Tar Heels! 25 Years Later

Follow the podcast on Twitter @ExpandOnThat25, and follow Tom Leyden @TomLeyden and Michael Vega @MBVEGA.

Vega was on the Boston College beat at the time and shared stories of his time with Bill Curley, Howard Eisley, Malcolm Huckaby, Gerrod Abram and Danya Abrams.

Other previous episodes of the podcast:
Scott Van Pelt
Jackie MacMullan
Shalise Manza Young