WATCH: Teens react to 'prehistoric' Windows 95 in hilarious viral video

In the latest installment of the popular "Teens React" seriesFine Brothers Entertainment introduces today's teenagers to a technological relic: the 20-plus-year-old Windows 95 operating system. 

The hilarious viral video has more than 1.9 million views on YouTube.

  • "The fact that the monitor is bigger than the actual computer itself, that says a lot."
  • "Are these the one that take floppy disks inside of them?"
  • "I don't think I've ever heard a computer make these sounds before in my life."
  • "Wait, what's a modem?"
  • "It's prehistoric. It really is! It's an old dinosaur."
  • "How do you get on the Internet if there's no Wi-Fi?"
  • "'It's now safe to turn off [your computer].' That actually scares me a little!"

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