"Walking Wally" walks his way to a healthier life

(FOX 25 / MyFoxBoston.com) – FOX 25's Maria Stephanos spent the day with Langdon Walper, better known as "Walking Wally." 

Five years ago, "Walking Wally" weighed 330 pounds and decided he wanted to make a change. The Army veteran said goodbye to soda, subs, and late night eating, and instead embraced walking.  

After countless miles, "Walking Wally" has gone from a 52-inch waist to a 36-inch waist.  He lost a total of 130 pounds.

In addition to the pounds lost, "Walking Wally" has also become a local celebrity.  Everybody yells to him as he passes in the street. He's a fixture in Weymouth and Hull.

"Walking Wally" recently went to Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut to celebrate his anniversary, and as he was walking out somebody yelled "Walking Wally."

"Walking Wally" told FOX 25 that he is committed to walking and committed to his health.

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