U.S. Atty: Quincy cited for decade of wastewater discharge into harbor

File photo of Boston Harbor (Wikimedia Commons/David Wilson)

BOSTON — The City of Quincy has been dumping wastewater and sewage into Boston Harbor for a decade, according to a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office.

The lawsuit claims the city has been dumping sewage and untreated wastewater into Boston Harbor, Dorchester Bay, Quincy Bay and other waterways from the city's sewer and drain systems.

Water quality samples taken between 2009 and 2018 indicated the presence of E.Coli and enterococus in discharge along Quincy beaches and tidal areas, according to the lawsuit. It also documents the discharge of ammonia, surfactants and pharmaceutical compounds found in water samples in Quincy Bay, Sagamore Creek, Town Brook, Town River Bay and Furnace Brook. According to the lawsuit, that means sewage waste is present and the complaint alleges Quincy's sanitary sewer system overflowed on "numerous occasions, resulting in discharges of sewage and untreated wastewater."

Any violation of the Clean Water Act before Nov. 2, 2015 could incur a $37,500 for each violation. Any violation after Nov. 2, 2015 could incur a $54,833 penalty.

“The Clean Water Act is designed to protect the waters of the United States for the health and enjoyment of its citizens. This complaint demonstrates our commitment to ensuring that our waters and beaches are protected from discharges such as raw sewage and seeks to require that the City of Quincy take the important and necessary steps to do so,” said United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling.

Raw sewage overflows and inadequately controlled stormwater discharges from municipal sewer systems introduce a variety of harmful pollutants, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. That includes disease causing organisms, metals and nutrients that can contaminate shellfish beds, fishing and basement backups of sewage.