Two tons of cocaine seized by Coast Guard boat from Boston

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While on an 80-day patrol of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, the U.S. Coast Guard found two tons of pure cocaine on one smuggling boat. The cutter Spencer - whose crew of 100 recently returned to Boston - was the vessel that arrested the smugglers and seized the cocaine, offloading the tons in Miami.

"It was a out of this world... you can't even imagine just how much is in there... in these bales... how much money is involved in all of this," said Blaine Newhook, a 22-year old Foxborough native who was a part of the Spencer's crew.

The Coast Guard says that the cocaine seized has a street value of $65 million.

"We had to use some force from our helicopter in order to get the vessel to stop," said Coast Guard Commander John McTamney.

The arrests and attempted smuggling is not a new trend. Last year Boston 25 traveled to the same region of the Pacific with the Coast Guard to see how they prevented drugs from being snuck into the U.S. Smugglers then did not go quietly, and those involved in the most recent attempt did not either.

The crew of the Spencer said that they're now seeing more and more smugglers from Central America trying to sneak drugs into the U.S., and that those involved are trying new tactics to do so. Among those are boats that are more submerged in water to try and avoid detection.

The crew of the Spencer will be docked until February, before they depart again for south.

Related: Deep Sea Drug War: New England Coast Guard crews in the Pacific