Trump's tweeting a ‘bad thing,' according to majority of Americans in new poll

A new NBC/WSJ poll finds a majority of Americans don't like President-elect DOnald Trump's Twitter habit.

From Twitter rants to business-boosting tweets, President-elect Donald Trump has used the social media platform to attack his critics, announce foreign policy plans, respond to what he calls “the dishonest media,” and much more.

Americans have a message for him: Stop Tweeting.

Democrats weren’t the only ones criticizing Trump’s use of Twitter, although 89 percent of Democrats said they disliked his use of tweets, the poll found. However, 47 percent of Republicans thought it was a “bad thing,” while 46 percent thought it was “good.”

A majority of Americans, including many Republicans, disapprove of Trump’s use of Twitter, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.

The survey found 69 percent of those polled agreed Trump’s twitter use is a “bad thing,” because “in an instant, messages can have unintended major implications without careful review.”

The poll also found two-thirds of independents disagreed with Trump’s Twitter habit.