Meet Courtney: American Girl’s new historic doll from way back in the ‘80s

Pull out the gummy bracelets, Walkmans and all that fluorescent clothing. The newest American Girl historic doll is going to make you feel really old as it goes back to the ’80s.

Her name is Courtney Moore, and she’s the newest historical doll in three years, Billboard reported.

Her story is that she loves video games, spending hours inside an arcade playing Pac-Man at the mall. Her heroes are the astronauts on the Space Shuttle Challenger, the “Today” show reported.

As part of the announcement, American Girl tapped into some ’80s nostalgia as the members of The Go-Gos, Courtney’s favorite band, helped make the doll’s debut on the “Today” show.

Courtney’s mother is running for mayor, showing that girls can do anything.

Some of her accessories include ’80s staples like Care Bears, suspenders, jean jackets, a Caboodle and a doll-sized playable Pac-Man arcade game.

She even has a music video on YouTube.

Courtney costs $110 for the doll and her first book. The Pac-Man game is $150.