Vet intern spots tick moments before dog's euthanization

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PORTLAND, Ore. — A dog who was moments away from being euthanized was saved after a veterinary intern found a different cause of the dog’s paralysis, a Portland, Oregon, TV station reported.

A tick was lodged behind the Collie's ear, KPTV reported. Here's more from their report:

"They have a neurotoxin in their saliva that prevents nerve transition to the muscles, and that takes time to build up in the body and cause paralysis like what we saw in Ollie," Stone said.

Aside from an unflattering haircut, Ollie was back to his energetic self about 10 hours after the tick was pulled out.

KPTV reporter Nora Hart found Ollie the Collie's story.Follow this link to read Hart's full story.