2018 World's Ugliest Dog Contest: Contestants, how to vote and past winners

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Charlie was rescued by Saving Huey Foundation in Winchester, CA in May of 2017. He was spotted rummaging for food in a church parking lot.

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant, Daisy: Daisy is a 14 year old chihuahua mix from Los Angeles. Her rags to riches story started about 8 years ago, when she was rescued from a dog hoarder with her life partner, Cheech.

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Himisaboo: Himisaboo’s mom was a Chinese Crested Hairless mix and his dad was a red headed wiener dog, owners say. Except for the famous hair on his head, and that on my tail and toes, he is hairless.

World’s Ugliest Dog contestant, Josie: Josie is a 7-year-old Chinese Crested mix in Tucson, Arizona. She is part of a pack of 7 other rescued dogs.

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Mrs. Kravitz: Mrs. Kravitz is a 9-year-old white Chihuahua. She was rescued in February 2016, found half-frozen on the ground in Yakima County, Washington. 

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Ozzie: Ozzie is a 9-year-old Chinese Pug that was adopted from Tiny Paws Pug Rescue in August of 2017. Ozzie and his late sister Kaiya had been in the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest for many years since 2008.

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Rascal Deux: Rascal Deux is a rescued, naturally hairless chihuaha. He is 6.5 lbs. with Einstein hair, a crooked face, 2 different colored eyes, and a loose tongue because he wasn’t born with many teeth.

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Rico Alexander Valenzuela: Rico Alexander Valenzuela was born in Mexico and roamed the streets looking for fun until he was adopted and moved to sunny California. 

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Rooby Roux: Even though Rooby Roux is completely blind, her family says she is too pretty to win this contest. Her body is ridden with blackheads, but what is supposed to happen to all of those hairless follicles?

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Scamp: Scamp was rescued at his last hour from a Los Angeles animal shelter, according to his new family. On the drive to Santa Rosa, he bobbed his head to the music on the radio, his dreads flowing in the wind.

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestant Tee Tee: Tee Tee is a Crestie Mix from Tucson, Arizona. Due to some bad breeding, her new family said she wasn’t cute enough to sell and somehow, Tee Tee ended up in the streets.

2018 Ugliest Dog contestant Wild Thang: Wild Thang is a 2-year-old Pekingese from Los Angeles, CA. Her new owners said she was a beautiful puppy, but at 10 weeks old, another puppy arrived at a rescue with Distemper and passed it to her.

2018 World’s Ugliest Dog conestant Zsa Zsa: Zsa Zsa is 9-year-old English Bulldog. She was a puppy mill dog for 5 years in Missouri, and instead of placing her in a loving home at her end of breeding, she was put in a dog auction. 

PETALUMA, Calif. — The World's Ugliest Dog Competition is getting underway at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Petaluma, California, and this year, fans around the world can vote for their favorite to win the People's Choice Award.

>>PHOTOS: 2018 World’s Ugliest Dog contestants 

The World’s Ugliest Dog Competition takes place Saturday, June 23, after each contestant struts their stuff down the red carpet.

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The California fair tradition dates back 30 years. Most of the World’s Ugliest Dog contestants are up for adoption and the event helps raise awareness of pet rescue and adoption.

Past winners have been rescued from animal shelters and puppy mills.

Last year’s winner was Martha, a Neapolitan Mastiff who was being fostered by the Dogwood Animal Rescue Group.

Martha has since been adopted.

The first place winner of the 2018 World’s Ugliest Dog Competition wins $1,500 and the grand trophy. The second place winner will receive $1,000 and third place will be granted $500.

One dog will also be awarded the Spirit Award, which highlights one special dog and owner who have overcome obstacles or provided service in the community -- such as visiting nursing homes, reading at local libraries with children or spending time with patients in hospitals.

Cast your vote for People's Choice Award in the 2018 World's Ugliest Dog competition here.