Thursday morning is clear, rain moves in overnight

(FOX 25 / - Winds across the water are producing the only showers Wednesday night on Cape Ann and Cape Cod. Temperatures dropping overnight may allow those to become snow showers that will continue into Thursday.

Away from those areas, sunshine will be plentiful. Clouds will be moving in late in the day and in the evening. Rain arrives from our next storm overnight Thursday, with the heaviest falling from Friday morning's commute through lunch.

Winds will be strong with this storm, perhaps up to 50 mph. I would not be shocked to see thunderstorms along the front as well.

One of our computer models is showing some accumulating snow Christmas eve and morning from a clipper system. It would be light, but seems not very likely to me.

We'll keep you posted.

Cold air will pour in behind that front. Snow flurries and showers are likely Saturday, especially in the hill towns to the north and west.