Teacher behind 'You're not special' speech discusses new book

WELLESLEY, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) -- David McCullough's commencement speech has received more than two million views over the past two years. The Wellesley High School English teacher skipped the platitudes and opted for some tough love.

FULL TRANSCRIPT: 'You're not special' speech

McCullough told the graduates they are not special, in fact there are thousands of people just like them. He went on to say the sweetest joys in life come from knowing you're not special because you believe everyone is. The teacher went on to encourage students to make for themselves, and everyone around them, extraordinary lives.

McCullough has now penned a book entitled, "You Are Not Special; And Other Encouragements." He visited the FOX 25 Morning News to discuss the book and an upcoming event.

To read the full transcript of the speech or to watch video from commencement, click here.