Swimmers ignore frigid temps in South Boston Polar Bear Plunge

SOUTH BOSTON (MyFoxBoston.com) – Hundreds of people dove into the new year with some frigid fun.

In South Boston, swimmers lined up at the Curley Community Center to participate in the annual New Year's Day Polar Plunge. Many came out in costume, some in barely anything at all to dive into the icy waters of old harbor.
One of the plunge participants was none other than FOX 25 writer and Southie native John Leary.  John has been participating in the polar plunge for the past five years and says it's a great way to ring in the new year.

Tuesday's event was the 108th polar plunge sponsored by the L Street Brownies.

FOX 25's morning assignment editor Carol Lanigan also took the plunge. She and her best friend joined dozens of swimmers at Fort Phoenix State Park Beach and Reservation in Fairhaven for their Polar Plunge. Proceeds from the event benefit the Fairhaven Dollars for Scholars organization.