State DOC responds to Kosilek questions

(FOX 25 / - How much has convicted murderer Michelle Kosilek's sex change lawsuit cost taxpayers?
We know that Kosilek's attorneys are seeking $800,000 for their costs, but FOX Undercover wanted to know how much the state has shelled out defending itself  during years of litigation. So FOX 25 filed a public records request early last month with the Department of Correction asking just that.

It took the department 44 days to respond and the answer is they don't know.
The Department of Correction did say that the two department attorneys who defended the lawsuit filed against the state by Koselik had other duties during the 28-day trial.
The department lost in court after a judge ruled that the state has to pay for Kosilek's sex reassignment surgery, a decision the state is now appealing.
FOX Undercover asked the department if they wanted to explain why it took 44 days to tell FOX 25 they had no idea how much taxpayers spent litigating this case, but they did not

respond, at least not yet.
Meantime, Kosilek's attorneys want the state to find a surgeon who will perform the sex change operation.
The Boston Herald says a motion was filed by Kosilek asking the DOC to pick a surgeon and a location for the procedure. They also want a security plan for bringing him to the operation site and details for where he will be jailed after the surgery.

The operation will not be done until the state's appeal is heard.