Some claim One Fund doesn't support those with 'invisible wounds'

BOSTON ( -- The One Fund has helped so many who were hurt in the Boston Marathon bombings, but some say it's not doing enough for those with invisible injuries.

The One Fund recently announced that they intend to distribute a second round of money. The specifics of who will get what, is expected to be announced Saturday.

That's why Friday, some of those who say they've been forgotten seized the opportunity to speak out.

This time around, the fund says they'll give the largest cash gifts to people whose injuries will require long term medical costs.

The One Fund has nearly $19 million available to be divvied up in a second round of distributions for the victims and survivors of the Marathon attacks.

"The resources on hand as of July 30, 2014 will be distributed to the survivor community in cash gifts through this protocol, as well as provide funding for a medical collaborative designed to provide care for the invisible wounds of the Boston Marathon bombings including tinnitus, hearing loss, mental health, PTSD and traumatic brain injury," according to a recent release.

A group of people who say they have invisible wounds, went public Friday to say they want to be treated the same way victims who have more physically apparent disabilities are treated.

Dr. Scott Weisberg, is a marathon runner who lives in Alabama. He was 3 seconds across the finish line when the first blast went off. He spoke with FOX 25 about how he says his injuries have progressed for the worse over the past year.

“My injuries started with fullness in my ear which led to hearing loss. Over the course of my year, I continued to have problems with speech,” Weisberg said.

Weisberg is a family doctor and says as he learned about his symptoms he realized they were the result of a brain injury. But he's never been officially diagnosed. In fact, doctors haven't been able to pinpoint his exact condition.

“Yeah, they haven't been able to pinpoint it because most of us that are in this area don't fall into a box. There's a lot of gray in this area,” he said.

And that gray area has some skeptics wondering just how real these injuries are, but this group insists they're not necessarily even looking for more money, but awareness.

The One Fund says they anticipate that the second distribution will be the last one to individuals and that future funds will go towards programs and services for the community.