Small Mass. town sees a rash of resignations

HAWLEY, Mass. (AP) — There's big trouble in the small Franklin County town of Hawley.

Select Board member Tedd White resigned Thursday, the fourth official in the town of about 330 residents to step down since a March 12 special election to replace a selectman who died in office.

White said in his resignation letter he would rather "pound my thumbs with a hammer" than attend "crooked, rigged" board meetings.

Keenan has the backing of 105 residents who signed a petition supporting him.

The Recorder of Greenfield reports that White said he cannot endure the "rudeness, disrespect, bias and disregard for procedure" of board Chairman Phil Keenan.

The town clerk, town moderator and a member of the regional school committee have also resigned this month, saying they cannot work with the board.