Shark tagged off Cape Cod coast tracked to Fla.

(FOX 25 / – With the holidays behind us, it's never too early to look ahead to summer, sand, and…sharks?

Last summer, shark sightings, especially off the coast of Cape Cod, had Massachusetts residents and shark researchers on high alert.

Chatham closed beaches to swimming several times due to sharks, and Chatham and Orleans closed some beaches to swimming for the entire Labor Day weekend. One man was even bitten while swimming off the coast of Truro.

OCEARCH, a non-profit organization that supports leading researchers aboard a boat equipped with a custom hydraulic lift, was able to tag a sixteen and a half foot shark.

Luckily, shark expert Gregory Skomal and his crew were able to tag some of the sharks and track their movements across the ocean. Tagging sharks provides vital information into their habits.

Researchers named the shark Mary Lee and have been tracking her whereabouts up and down the Eastern seaboard since September.

Mary Lee was approximately 10 miles from the shores of Jacksonville Beach around 11:28 a.m. on Wednesday.

If you would like to keep an eye on Mary Lee and make sure she isn't coming to a beach near you, head to or become a fan of OCEARCH on Facebook at