Cleanup underway after severe weather flooded several roads in Worcester Co.

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Worcester County is drying out after several roads experienced flooding due to severe weather on Tuesday.

Cars were submerged in water on multiple streets, with water funneling into basements and garages in several homes.

One resident on Pelham Street in Worcester, Juan Ortiz, said the damage is nothing new.

A few hours after the rain dwindled down, the water finally receded. The neighborhood, however, was still left out to dry.

"Happens all the time," Ortiz said. "Every time we get a bad rain like this, this is what happens."

Debris remained scattered throughout the streets, and residents were forced to check out the damage to their vehicles after sitting in feet of water.

The flooding didn't stop some from making attempts to drive their cars on impassable streets.

"It was kind of crazy," Warren Desrosiers said. "You see people stuck in the flooded water, and here you are still flying down the road. Hello? We tried to stop them, they just kept going."

On Quinsigamond Avenue, there were more victims of flash flooding, with a tow truck forced to remove some vehicles.

Mike Mills helped a stranger push his car to dry land, but also underestimated the flooded road, himself.

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"You can't really tell, it was just wet," Mike Mills. "So you got in there. Everybody was just turning left, but I figured they all lived up that way, and a couple of us tried going street. It didn't work well."

Mills' Honda Civic couldn't make it through the flooded streets, but he's confident it's still drivable.

"I'm thinking of renaming it to a nice nautical name," Mills said. "I think it must be part-boat."