Roche hopes resignation will allow DCF to 'move forward in its efforts' to protect children

BOSTON ( -- Olga Roche may have stepped down from her position as DCF Commissioner, but she is staying at the agency in an advisory role at her current salary, which FOX 25 reported in February as $137,692.

Health and Human Services Spokesman Alec Loftus released a statement Wednesday evening, confirming HHS Secretary John Polanowicz had asked Roche to remain with the Executive Office of Health and Human Services to advise on policy issues. Despite repeated requests made by FOX 25, Loftus could not confirm for how long Roche would be on the state payroll.

Tuesday Roche resigned her position as DCF Commissioner. The Governor had repeatedly refused her resignation for months, but mounting pressure from lawmakers grew after the deaths of three children. In her resignation letter to staff, Roche wrote she hopes her resignation "will allow this department to move forward in its efforts to protect the most vulnerable children in the Commonwealth."