Report: MBTA salaries far above other state agencies

BOSTON ( – Rising salaries and other perks for MBTA workers are costing taxpayers millions.
According to the Boston Herald, a new report by the Pioneer Group, a conservative fiscal watchdog, says the MBTA has "excessive" labor costs far above other state agencies.

The group questions the 13 percent raise given to commuter rail engineers in their last contract. In addition, the engineers pay just $100 a month for full family health insurance.
Another example, MBTA painters earn $33,000 a year more than other state painters.
An MBTA spokesman says the T's wage structure is consistent with other transit systems.

The MBTA's operating budget has jumped 38 percent since 2003.

Statement from Sen. Bruce Tarr:

"It is outrageous that on the eve of Senators being asked to consider millions of dollars in tax increases and new spending for transportation needs, we discover exorbitant expenditures on personnel costs at the MBTA and a complete lack of transparency that has shrouded these costs from public view even as transportation officials plead their case for more and more money. Senate Republicans are giving the legislature a clear choice to avoid the policy of "Tax first, ask questions later."