Rep. Stephen Lynch expresses interest in possible U.S. Senate seat

(FOX 25 / – Should Sen. John Kerry be appointed to a cabinet position in the second Obama administration, there would be a special election to fill the open Senate seat in Massachusetts.

In a statement released to FOX 25 on Wednesday, Rep. Stephen Lynch said that he would be interested in the position.

Lynch says, "If a Senate seat were to become available, I would give serious consideration to running."

Rep. Michael Capuano has also expressed an interest in a possible special election run for the seat.

UMass Lowell Chancellor and former Congressman Marty Meehan has told FOX 25's Sharman Sacchetti that he is not interested in running this time around, but has not ruled out a future run.

On the Republican side, possible candidates could include former Governor William Weld or Scott Brown.