On President’s Day, the JFK Library celebrated 100 years of women’s right to vote

BOSTON — On President’s Day, the John F. Kennedy Library in Dorchester celebrated more than just the nation’s presidents - they celebrated the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.

Many parents chose to take their children on hikes, to a park and play sports and to museums across the state, but on Monday, dozens of parents and their children spent the day at the library named after the 35th President of the United States, learning more about the amendment that gave women the right to vote.

“My husband and I think it’s important, especially at the critical time of how the country will be in the future, and I think I feel responsible for showing the children the library and history,” said Helen Ji Li, of Boston.

Along with arts and crafts, the festival included a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment, complete with actors portraying suffragettes Elizabeth Mott and Sojourner Truth.

Ji Li brought her children to the JFK Library and Museum for the Family Festival to connect them to history and have some fun.

“[We’re] teaching the girls that we always have the opportunity to vote and to have our voices heard, and we came here today because we’re homeschoolers and I thought this would be educational,” said Jasmine Fiandaca, of Boston.

Sophia, Fiandaca’s daughter, and her friends made their very own suffragette sashes. Hers read, “Love girls”.

“My mom has told me a lot about girls and how they can vote so I thought ‘Love girls’ is a very strong word cause girls didn’t get to vote back then,” said Sophia.

The museum also had a special unveiling of the official 2020 White House Christmas ornaments honoring President Kennedy. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy founded the White House Historial Association to help the White House collect and exhibit the very best artifacts of American history and culture.

Festival organizers say they try to do something different every year, and that planning for next years event is already underway.