Mayor of Boston: Who is next?

With Boston Mayor Tom Menino announcing that he will not seek re-election, Mass. residents are wondering who will be the next person to lead the state's capital city.

FOX 25 commentator Jim Polito has created a list of potential mayoral candidates. While some have publicly expressed interest in the job, there are other potential candidates that could yet throw their hats into the ring.

Here is Polito's list:

- Felix Arroyo - Boston City Councilor
- Sonia Chang-Diaz - Mass. State Rep.
- Charles Clemons - Co-founder of TOUCH 106.1 FM (Declared running)
- DA Dan Conley - Suffolk County District Attorney
- John Connolly - Boston City Councilor (Declared running)
- Rob Consalvo - Boston City Councilor
- Richard Davey - Mass. Transportation Secretary
- Will Dorcena - Former Boston city council candidate (Declared running)
- Michael Flaherty - Former Boston City Council President
- Jack Hart - Former Mass. State Senator
- Tito Jackson - Boston City Councilor
- Stephen Lynch - U.S. Rep. from Mass.
- Ayanna Pressley - Boston City Councilor
- Michael Ross - Boston City Councilor
- Marie St. Fleur -  Former Mass. State Rep.
- John Tobin Jr. - Former Boston City Councilor
- Rep. Martin Walsh - Mass. State Rep.
- Charles Yancey - Boston City Councilor