Gov. Patrick says 'maybe' to future presidential run

WASHINGTON, D.C. ( -- Gov. Deval Patrick is saying "maybe" to a potential run for president in the future.

The governor told FOX 25's Sharman Sacchetti at the DNC back in 2012 that he would not be running in 2016. In an interview with Politico published Sunday night, Gov. Patrick said he could "maybe" see himself running as a national candidate.

The article suggests Gov. Patrick is at least considering the idea of a return to government after a break. He previously told FOX 25 that this would be it for his public service and that he wanted to return to the private sector once his term as Governor of Massachusetts was finished.

While the governor may be weighing a potential run, he hasn't openly committed to anything yet. He tells Politico that it is a decision he has to make along with his wife and that she is a tough one to convince.

Patrick is in Washington D.C. for the Governor's Conference. According to the Statehouse News Service, he had plans to have dinner at the White House Sunday with President Barack Obama, the First Lady, and other governors.

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