Police: Man pours gas on girlfriend's kids, threatens to blow up home

PEMBROKE (FOX 25 / MyFoxBoston.com) – A 45-year-old man who police say threatened to blow up his Pembroke home and doused his girlfriend's children in gasoline pleaded not guilty in court on Thursday.

William Rearick is being held without bail pending a Feb. 6 mental evaluation. He is due back in court next month.

According to the Boston Glove, court documents stated that Rearick has a history of mental illness.

Rearick reportedly entered the Birch Street home Wednesday armed with a gasoline can and propane tank. He said he wanted to kill himself and proceeded to struggle with his girlfriend's daughters pouring gas on them and in the home's kitchen.

When police arrived, the girlfriend and the daughters were outside, and Rearick was in the basement. He threatened one more time to kill himself, but eventually was talked down, reports the newspaper.

Rearick faces two counts of assault with intent to murder, two counts of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and charges of domestic assault and battery, threatening to commit murder, and vandalism.

For more information: Boston Globe