Paranormal school founder claims everyone has supernatural ability

SAN ANTONIO, TX. ( -- A newly established Texas school claims it can teach people how to become psychics.

The Coker Institute of Empowerment offers classes on how to train your brain and your body to connect with the so-called spiritual world.

Dr. Cathy Coker opened the school because she believes everyone has supernatural ability, whether they know it or not. The school claims it can teach people how to become psychics, mediums, and spiritual healers.

"My goal is to empower you," said Coker. "Empower the true spirit that's asleep."

Student Adriana Evans-Garcia claims she received the gift of spiritual healing by taking classes.

"I've seen people that cannot walk, be able to walk. I've seen people that cannot see, be able to see. I've seen people be healed just a few weeks ago from seizures," said Evans-Garcia.

"I would say come and just sit in one of my classes. Just come and experience and then judge," said Coker.

The Coker Institute of Empowerment opened in January and charges $20 per class.