Non-profit donates bullet & stab protective vest to State Police K9

BOSTON — State Police K9 Flash has cool new vest all thanks to a charitable donation.

Local non-profit organization Vested Interest in K9s based in East Taunton raised enough funds to donate a bullet and stab protective vest for one of the cutest members of the Massachusetts State Police.

According to the non-profit, $950 have to be raised in donations in order to provide one protective K9 vest and each one of has with an estimated value of $1,744 - $2,283 as well as a five-year warranty.

Flash's vest is sponsored by a charity dog event hosted by CareOne at Essex Park in Beverly and will also be embroidered with love.

Flash is the partner to Trooper Steven Culver and can now help fight crime in a much safer way.

State Police have expressed their thanks to Vested Interest in K9's and CareOne at Essex Park for the donation, saying, "our dogs are loyal, courageous and beloved partners to their handlers and play an important role in our public safety mission. We strive to make them as safe as possible in the performance of their duty."

Since its launch, Vested Interest in K9s has provided over 3,100 protective vests in 50 states to assist law enforcement with ensuring the safety of their K9 partners.