Murder remains unsolved 20 years later

BOSTON ( – It's a murder investigation that stretches back two decades. And it remains unsolved.

Police still don't know the motive, but the victim was tied to the Hollywood blockbuster film, A Few Good Men. The victim's name is David Cox and he was 27 years old when he was last seen.

Exactly 20 years ago, Cox's body was discovered near the Charles River in Medfield by a canoeist. He had been missing for three months, and his family is still wondering what happened to him.

Cox was shot four times while wearing army fatigues and sneakers. And that's odd, because the day before he vanished, a foot and a half of snow fell on the area. And authorities believe he walked with his killer, in a foot and a half of snow, wearing sneakers.

"It looks like David was shot and died right there. I say that because of the position of his body and evidence found at the scene," Lt. Kevin Shea said.

The murder has no motive, but his past could hold a clue. As a marine, he was stationed at the marine base in Guantanamo, Cuba. And while there, he, along with 10 other marines were involved in a hazing incident that formed the basis for the film, A Few Good Men.

Cox actually stopped the Code Red, and he was later honorably discharged from the marines. And near the time of his murder, he went on the radio saying he was bothered that the film was not accurate. He was thinking about joining a lawsuit.

"He wanted the real story to get out. And nobody did die. The victim did not die. And nobody committed suicide," Cox's sister said.

Twenty years later, no one knows why Cox was killed. His family is still searching for justice.

His sister Christine released a statement Wednesday that read in part:

"Twenty years have not diminished the pain, the injustice, or our desire for David's death to be avenged. There are many people who want justice for David, and it's never too late for justice to be served."

If you know anything about the murder of Cox, call the Mass. State Police detectives assigned to the Norfolk County DA's office at 781-830-4990.