Merrimack Valley: Here's where Columbia Gas stands with explosion repairs

LAWRENCE, Mass. — The chilly temperatures this week have had many in Lawrence scrambling to find last-minute solutions to their heating problems.

Knowing the temperatures were falling, Columbia Gas has offered thousands of blankets, space heaters and provided temporary shelter in hotels, apartments and trailers.

MORE: Missing instructions caused deadly gas explosions, NTSB report says

Here's where the company stands with updates.

The area has been in disarray since a series of fires and explosions caused by over-pressurized gas lines ripped through homes in Lawrence, Andover and North Andover -- killing a teen and injuring many more.

•    Nearly 33 miles (174,020 ft.) of main line pipe replaced to date (about 74% of target 44.5 miles). 
•    2,863 service lines replaced, 2,693 of which are now "gas-ready."
•    Approximately 7.5 miles (39,849 ft.) requalified.
•    Approximately 218 construction crews were deployed across the system on 10/18 and the same number will be deployed on 10/19 and 10/20 to work on mains and service lines. 
Assessment and Installation: 
•    1,069 residential meters and 347 commercial meters currently in progress.
•    407 residential meters and 110  commercial meters  are "house-ready."
•    657 water heaters and 636 boilers installed to date.
•    Nearly 318 plumbers, 517 gas fitters, 230 electricians, 347 field operations staff, 36 local inspectors, and 87 linguists are planned to be on the ground today (10/19).

Customer Support and Claims:
•    20,831 claims received to date and $19.8 million paid to date. 
o    A 42-person claim team is trained and in place for the Back-to-Business initiative.
•    1,728 customers to date have interacted with our Mobile Customer Care Centers in person. 
o    Outbound calls to 161 critical care customers will be made to check on their status/determine if they have other needs (alternate housing) until relight. 
Temporary Housing: 
•    1,829 families (6,400 individuals) have been placed in alternative housing as of EOD 10/16.
•    1,131 hotel rooms, 160 apartments, and 233 trailers are available for placement.

MORE: Winter worries loom for broken, gasless homes in Lawrence